Clean & Boost® Dentin and Enamel Cleanser


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Dental Product Shopper Best Product


“I think Clean & Boost is fantastic. I use it almost exclusively and absolutely love it. When I use Clean & Boost I have zero sensitivity and as far as I can tell, the bond strengths are amazing”.

Phosphoric Acid is notoriously harsh on soft-tissue. Clean & Boost is fabulously kind to soft-tissue. In addition, there are elements in Clean & Boost which will remove inorganic and organic debris as well as etching the tooth. So there are significant advantages to the use of the material

"Clean & Boost was designed to clean our preparations. It removes optical sprays, handpiece oil and bacteria from our preparations. Studies also show that it will increase our bond strength especially when used with self-etching adhesives. It just makes sense to use, so now it is an indispensable part of my bonding protocol."

Product Brochures

Etch Family Brochure Cover

Clean and Boost Product Brochure


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