Stat-Pak™ Knitted Retraction Cord is used to retract sulcular tissue, protect tissues and arrest sulcular fluid seepage. With compressible, interlocking chains, knitted Stat-Pak™ Dental Retraction Cord carries more hemostatic agent to the sulcus and remains in-situ, even when touched by a bur or diamond. Stat-Pak™ Knitted Retraction Cord expands after packing, conforming to sulcular anatomy and is memory free for easy placement and precision. Excellent for use with Quick-Stat™ Liquid.
Each bottle contains 100 in (245 cm)
Size / Color:
000 (Black) 00 (Purple) 0 (Lavender) 1 (Turquoise) 2 (Yellow)
Compare to Ultradent®*: Ultrapak®* Cord
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Stat-Pak™ Knitted Retraction Cord